清代“华俄银行 库平伍钱”小银锭,重18.47克,侧面戳有“十足”,左方有两处验银,VF品相华俄银行于光绪二十一年成立,宣统二年与法资北方银行(Banque du Nord)合拼为华俄道胜银行该行在华开业期间有委託银炉铸造银锭以作为发行钞票的兑换储备金。China, Qing Dynasty, boat-shaped silver 5 mace sycee, 1895-1911, stamped Hua E Yin Hang (Russo-Chinese Bank) and Ku Ping Wu Qian (5 mace), also stamped Shi Zu (Pure) on the side. Very Fine, with fairly clear chop marks, a couple of test marks on the left side. While Russo-Chinese Bank (later renamed to Russo-Asiatic Bank after the merger with Banque du Nord) is generally more well known for issuing banknotes, the bank also comissioned local furnaces to forge silver sycees of various denominations as an exchange reserve for the issue of banknotes