1924年印度新金山中国渣打银行“大葫芦”伍拾员,编号O/C 157287,手签票, PMG 15,有裂及墨渍,非常罕有之版别,汇集三个发行年份PMG评级报告中也仅有10枚流通痕迹显著,但颜色深润,属于不可多得的美品,必定受香港老纸币藏家的青睐。
Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Hong Kong, $50, 1.5.1924, serial number O/C 157287, farming scene at centre, reverse, old Chartered Bank building on Queens Road Central, one handsigned signature at left, Fergusson signature at right,(Pick 44), PMG 15 Choice Fine, splits, ink. A very scarce early Chartered $50 note with only 10 examples graded on PMG Census across all 3 known issued dates. Though well circulated, completely original and bright colours remain especially with the centre designs. Rarely seen and not to be missed by advanced collectors!