光绪三十二年大清户部银行壹圆库存票,汉口地名,编号B78763,PMG 64EPQ清末发行,印刷精美细腻,颜色鲜明,为PMG评级纪录中连同行钞版3枚冠军分之一,远远抛离亚军的58分,品相出众,惊为天人。Ta-Ching Government Bank, China, remainder 1 yuan, Hankow, 1.9.1906, serial number B78763, (Pick A63Ar), PMG 64EPQ. A spectacular example of this late Qing dynasty issue. Excellent vibrant intricate printing remain despite being printed over 100 years ago. PMG Census TOP POP across both Pick A63A and A63Ar by far, one of ONLY THREE! The next highest grade being a sole grade 58. Just amazing!