1942年马提尼克银行100法郎。样票。MARTINIQUE. Banque de la Martinique. 100 Francs, ND (1942). P-19s. Specimen. PCGS Currency Gem New 66 PPQ.印自美国钞票公司之样票,红色加盖样票及编号,3处打孔注销。左侧为头戴花环的女性肖像。正面票框设计华丽细緻。反面中央女神像,两侧扭索饰纹。PCGS Currency 备注"打孔注销"。Specimen printed by ABNC, red specimen overprints and serial numbers, a trio of hole punch cancellations, an allegorical woman at left, and intricate border designs are noticed on the obverse. An allegorical woman at center on the back flanked by counters at opposite ends within a guilloche design. PCGS Currency Comments "Hole Punch Cancelled."