1788-1821年墨西哥壹圆钱币一组。二十二枚。有趣的一组,主要由墨西哥城铸币厂铸造的费迪南德七世半身像 8 雷亚尔组成,但也包括利马、波托西和萨卡特卡斯铸币厂的发行,及数枚查理四世和查理三世发行。包浆程度不一,数件颇具魅力。 其中一些经清洗、环境伤害或其他瑕疵。 建议仔细检阅,定必有所收获。 现况出售,概不退换。市值估$1,800以上。MEXICO. Group of 8 Reales (22 pieces), 1788-1821. Average Grade: VERY FINE.An interesting gathering primarily consisting of bust 8 Reales of Ferdinand VII from Mexico City mint, but also includes examples from Lima, Potosi and Zacatecas mints. Also included are several examples of Charles IV and one Charles III. Each exhibits varying degrees of patina, several are attractive. Some have been cleaned, scratched, environmental damage and/or may have other defects. Close personal inspection is advised and will reward the diligent bidder. <strong>SOLD AS IS/NO RETURNS</strong>. Approximate retail value in excess of $1,800-.