USD 200000 - 400000
2024-04-15 11:00:00
2024-04-15 19:00:00
戊戌江南省造光绪元宝七钱二分银币。珍珠龙,短龙刺。龙面重模。令人振奋的珍珠龙,龙如其名,每片鳞片均带有一颗小珍珠。本拍品是此版中最摄人心魄的一枚。铸打精湛,深峻锐利,龙周重模明显,下半部分龙身以及英文处尤为显眼。币面呈钢铁灰色,棕调虹光点缀边缘。即使是资深藏家亦未必见过能与之媲美的同版。2015年4月拍卖中的一枚NGC MS-65以350,000美元落槌。别具一格,魅力四射的最新版L&M目录图版币,千载难逢的收藏良机。<p>(t) CHINA. Kiangnan. 7 Mace 2 Candareens (Dollar), CD (1898). Nanking Mint. Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). PCGS MS-63+.L&M-216 (this coin illustrated); K-71C; KM-Y-145A.1; WS-0795. Variety with pearl-scaled dragon with short spines. Doubled Die dragon side. One of the most impressive and tantalizing examples of the type extant, this provocative pearl-scaled dragon presents the mythical creatures namesake scaling in full display, with a little round pearl visible within nearly every scale. Furthermore, the crispness in the strikes execution allows for the fairly dramatic display of doubling on and around the dragon, most notable on its lower body and within the English lettering. The surfaces possess a steely gray flair, while some burnished iridescence populates portions of the peripheries. For the most advanced collectors of the province, it is hard to imagine a more wondrous chance at this particular variant. For comparison, we sold an NGC MS-65 of this type in our April 2015 Hong Kong auction, where it realized a hammer of $350,000. A <strong>VERY RARE</strong> and excessively important opportunity for a specimen with immense charm and character, and one that serves as the plate coin in the newest edition of L&M.<strong>To view all items from the KL Collection, click <a href=> here.</a></strong>From the KL Collection.