2000年中国人民银行壹佰圆。纪念龙钞。 (t) CHINA--PEOPLES REPUBLIC. Peoples Bank of China. 100 Yüan, 2000. P-902. PMG Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ. 编号 J08769783。为纪念千禧年而发行。 Serial number J08769783. Issued to commemorate the Millenium.
2000年中国人民银行壹佰圆。纪念龙钞。 (t) CHINA--PEOPLES REPUBLIC. Peoples Bank of China. 100 Yüan, 2000. P-902. PMG Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ. 编号 J08769783。为纪念千禧年而发行。 Serial number J08769783. Issued to commemorate the Millenium.