1849年英国下议院议员铜章。 GREAT BRITAIN. Members of the House of Commons Bronze Medal, 1849. CHOICE UNCIRCULATED. 正面为维多利亚戴冠头像朝左,名称环绕。反面为50行铭文,列出下议院成员姓名。设计精美,铸打完整,全然不见经手痕迹。底板略现镜光,币坯亦美。附原盒,更添吸引力。 BHM-2351; Eimer-1439. Obverse: Coroneted head of Victoria left, names of her ministers surround; Reverse: Divided legend of 50 lines listing the names of members of the house of commons. A medal that is as beautiful as it is intricate, this exceptional piece offers a fully struck appeal, with essentially no sign of handling. The fields are lightly reflective, and strong beauty emanates from the flan. A piece that is made more appealing with the inclusion of the original case.