USD 1000 - 1500
2023-10-13 10:00:00
2023-10-14 19:00:00
民国二十三年孙中山像帆船壹圆银币。 (t) CHINA. Dollar, Year 23 (1934). Shanghai Mint. PCGS MS-64. 近Gem品相,流光溢彩,多彩包浆点缀币边,靠近中心顔色较浅。此拍品必定会带来此起彼伏的竞价。 L&M-110; K-624; KM-Y-345; WS-0146. This enticing near-Gem glows with a radiant luster and charming rainbow toning at the peripheries that gradually lightens as the centers are reached. A piece that will suffer no shortage of active and excited bidders.