USD 700 - 1000
2023-10-13 10:00:00
2023-10-14 19:00:00
民国三年袁世凯像壹圆银币。 (t) CHINA. Dollar, Year 3 (1914). PCGS AU-50. 甘肃版。品相惊艳,一直深受藏家喜爱的版别。 不见任何损伤及清洗,流通轻浅,包浆淡薄,相信竞争不断。 L&M-63D; cf. K-648; KM-Y-329; WS-0708. Kansu variety. A stunning exemplar of the popular Kansu Dollar. Devoid of any cleaning or damage, it displays wonderful detail with only gentle circulation evident. Lightly toned and altogether quite handsome, this piece is certain to attract bidders seeking a wholesome coin of this type.