USD 800 - 1200
2023-10-13 10:00:00
2023-10-14 19:00:00
四川省造光绪元宝七钱二分银币。 (t) CHINA. Szechuan. 7 Mace 2 Candareens (Dollar), ND (1901-08). Chengdu Mint. Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). PCGS VF-30. 阔面龙。 虽经流通,但不见清洗及损坏。动人细节,底板深木炭色包浆,图文更显深邃。原味的一枚,值得追捧。 L&M-345A; K-145A; Y-238.2; WS-0738. Variety with wide-faced dragon. While it clearly spent some time in circulation, this Szechuan "Dragon Dollar" was spared from any unsightly cleaning or damage. As a result, it retains lovely detail and surface quality in an entirely wholesome state. Deep charcoal toning in the protected areas helps the devices to pop with added boldness. An honest and original example of the type that will appeal to any collector who appreciates those qualities.