USD 600 - 900
2023-10-13 10:00:00
2023-10-14 19:00:00
新疆饷银五钱银币。 (t) CHINA. Sinkiang. 5 Mace (Miscals), ND (1910). Hsuan-tung (Xuantong [Puyi]). PCGS Genuine--Cleaned, AU Details. 有察合台文,龙无圈。玫瑰金色与琥珀色包浆模糊老旧清洗痕迹。铸打深峻,赏心悦目。正面3点至8点方向有出厂所带的纤细模具裂痕,更添特色。 L&M-820; K-1012; KM-Y-6; WS-1293. Variety with "chahtai" on characters side and uncircled dragon. Quite appealing due to an overtone of copper-rose and amber color that disguises a long ago clean, this boldly struck and bright example presents much for the eyes to examine. A thin die crack runs across the obverse impression from 3 to 8 oclock (as made), making this pieces appearance distinctly more dramatic.