福建民国三年福州船务局壹角镍章。 (t) CHINA. Fukien. Nickel Fuzhou Shipping Bureau Medallic 20 Cents, Year 3 (1914). Fukien Mint. PCGS Genuine--Cleaned, Unc Details. 直径:24毫米。应该是两个反面模具的混配,非常罕见,每每能掀起激烈竞价。光泽亮丽,仅在底板空白处有轻微擦拭痕迹,整体颇具魅力。正反两面均已养出石板灰色包浆。MS品相价格高昂,追求性价比的藏家不妨关注此枚。 cf. Duan-3666 (for 10 Cent mule). Diameter: 24 mm. Hypothesized to be a mule type struck with two reverse dies, this EXTREMELY RARE issue always encounters spirited bids at auction. A bright and lustrous piece with only faint signs of a rub in the exposed fields, this example has much attractivity to present to the viewer. Slate gray patina has begun to repopulate certain areas on both obverse and reverse. Sure to generate excitement when sold for those who want a more affordable alternative to the lofty prices most Mint State pieces realize.