USD 2500 - 4000
2023-10-13 10:00:00
2023-10-14 19:00:00
北洋二十九年造光绪元宝七钱二分银币。 CHINA. Chihli (Pei Yang). 7 Mace 2 Candareens (Dollar), Year 29 (1903). Tientsin (East Arsenal) Mint. Kuang-hsu (Guangxu). NGC AU-58. YANG后无点,小"29"。与MS品相只有一綫之差,包浆动人,光泽璀璨,衬托图文。 L&M-462A; K-205B; KM-Y-73; WS-0633. Variety without period after "YANG" and with small "29". Falling just short of Mint State status, this attractively toned crown still retains some enchanting brilliance which elevates the devices that much more.