SINKIANG: Yaqub Beg, 1865-1877, AV tilla, "Khoqand", AH1288, A-A3077, in the name of the deceased Malla Khan, NGC graded AU58, RRR. There is no doubt that Muhammad Malla was killed in AH1278 (February 1862). Although it was formerly considered a rebel issue in or near Khoqand, Irpon Tukhtiev & Vladimir Nastich have proven that these coins were actually struck at Kashgar in Sinkiang by local rebels under the authority of Yaqub Beg (their paper delivered at the 9th All-Russian Numismatic Conference in Veliki Novgorod in 2001). They bore no relationship to actual issues of Khoqand, and were replaced in AH1290 by issues in the name of the Ottoman sultan Abd al-Aziz, correctly citing the mint of issue as Kashghar. It is possible that the dies were produced at Khoqand and shipped to Kashgar for Yaqub Beg.