荷属东印度苏门答腊镀银贸易铜圆。 NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES. Sumatra (under Kingdom of the Netherlands). Silvered Bronze Trade Dollar, ND (ca. 1890-95). PCGS PROOF-63. 极罕的发行,满打,图文间细节锐利。经手轻微不多,通体包浆出众。绝对是钟情此系列藏家的必然之选。 Sch-1133; LaWe-312 (RRR). An <strong>EXTREMELY RARE</strong> and rather elusive specimen, this Proof Trade Dollar is fully struck and sharply detailed, with a general crispness to the devices. Handling is light and limited, with strong tomes of glowing toning flowing throughout. A type that is certain to be much demanded by any specialist in Netherlands East Indies coinage. Ex: M. Louis Teller (private purchase ca. 1980s).