Macallan Millennium-1949-50 year old Distilled 14th January 1949. Distilled and bottled by The Macallan Distillers Ltd., Easter Elchies, Craigellachie Three casks filled on the same date were selected for marrying at strengths between 50.2% and 50.8% volume, before bottling at the final strength. Caithness Crystal decanter with copper collar accompanied by copper mounted stopper. In wooden presentation case, lightly expanded on upper front section plank, wooden case cannot be locked properly. 700ml. Single Malt., 43% volume.1 crystal decanter. 麥卡倫千禧年水晶瓶1949-50年 <R><R>這三桶酒於同一天即1949年1月14日裝桶,在蘇格蘭威士忌重鎮斯佩賽熟成50年。1999年5月12日融合期開始,威士忌出桶時,每一桶的強度幾乎毫無差別,經過50年所蒸發掉的份量完全一樣,於是分別貢獻出這瓶50年極品裡各三份一的風味。<R><R>酒香:濃郁酚質、丁香、芫荽、橙及檸檬、幾種蘋果、穀物及相輔相成的木頭。<R><R>酒味:豐滿、煙燻味、泥碳酚質,木香裡帶乾果及柑橘味,有些樹脂香料、丁香和芫荽味。<R><R>收結:濃厚的柑橘味,外含泥碳的木香。