周元通宝方穿钱文花钱,背周处斩蛟,元明(公元1271–1644)时期,25.9*3.0mm,重5.9g。另:该钱为布氏“是钱非钱:花钱的文化功能及意义”一文所用原物。该文收录于《1200-1900的亚洲钱币:社会与政治框架中的货币》一书,J.K Leonard与U. Theobald编辑,2022年布瑞尔出版社出版。 China: Yuan-Ming Dynasty (1271–1644 CE), coin-like charm with square central hole, obverse inscribed Zhou yuan tong bao (周元通寶), reverse showing dragon and man holding sword, 25.9*3.0mm, 5.9g. Note: This is the same specimen that is used in Dr Burger’s article on Chinese charms entitled Coins Which are Not Money: Cultural Functions and Symbolism collected in the book Money in Asia (1200–1900): Small Currencies in Social and Political Contexts edited by Jane Kate Leonard and Ulrich Theobald, Brill 2022.